
BitPim 1.0.7 Phone manager for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

BitPim Abstract:

BitPim is a program that allows you to view and manipulate data on many CDMA phones from LG, Samsung, Sanyo and other manufacturers. It is a free and open source cdma synchronizing application that's easy to setup and advanced.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Quick and easy method to transfer files between CDMA phone and computer to edit and update - Screenshot of BitPim
Quick and easy method to transfer files between CDMA phone and computer to edit and update.
Screenshot of BitPim - 1728px · 929px
Offers support for various CDMA phones - Screenshot of BitPim
Offers support for various CDMA phones.
Screenshot of BitPim - 1728px · 929px
Easy to deploy and get you started - Screenshot of BitPim
Easy to deploy and get you started.
Screenshot of BitPim - 640px · 568px
Connect to your phone using a wizard - Screenshot of BitPim
Connect to your phone using a wizard.
Screenshot of BitPim - 1728px · 929px